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About Me

Hey, my name is Max, I'm 15 and a hobbyist programmer who would consider himself at about an upper-intermediate level. At the moment I mostly specialize myself in web development, though I am trying to get into graphics programming to deepen my understanding of game dev at the moment.
I like playing video games, exercising and learning about all sorts of things, namely science and philosophy in my free time.

My Statistics

Github Statistics 1 Github Statistics 2

My Projects - Currently my most ambitious project, (now discontinued) Rolling Rhino Remix's official website.

console6677 - A terminal-style website written in Javascript and SolidJS.

Brainfuck2 - An esoteric joke programming language created from scratch with Golang.

pine-script - A simple markdown language that loads and converts primitive type objects into Golang variables. - Brightness management shell script based on Xrandr. - A wifi management shell script meant to be used from a terminal.

And this web page I guess lol